Governing Body

Governors are essential to the work of the school and are legally responsible for it. They are not however, involved in the day-to-day running of the school which is managed by Dr Robert Whannel and the Senior Leadership Team.

This leaves governors free to focus on their core functions of:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

  • Holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance management of staff

  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent

Governors work with senior leaders to ensure all students achieve the results they need and deserve.  We push school leaders to give every student an engaging, stimulating learning experience. We challenge school leaders to create a continuing environment of school improvement, and to make sure strategic goals are implemented and effective.  We act as a sounding board for issues being reviewed within the school.  We approve the school budget and appoint the Head Teacher.


Mrs Lucy Katz: Chair Of Governors

I am the Chair of Governors.  I have been a governor since 2013, and have worked with The Cooper School from 2016.

Bicester families and their children deserve the very best from The Cooper School and I am committed to making sure this is what the school is providing for all its students.

I strongly believe that learning should open doors for all students in the future by making sure they achieve the very best grades they can, across multiple subjects.  In order to achieve this, lessons should be engaging and enjoyable, with teaching of the highest quality.  The wide range of subjects we offer is designed to meet the needs of all our students.

The Cooper School is not just about academic results.  We aim to prepare all students to be positive members of the communities they live in now and in their future lives. We want to make sure that all students are offered opportunities at The Cooper School which meet these aims.

I am the Link Governor for Safeguarding and cyber-security .  It is my role to ensure that all students are safe in our school and beyond.

If you would like to contact me, please use the following email address: 


Mrs Lucy Katz: Community Governor - Chair of Governors

Mrs N. Martell-Bundock: Parent Governor - Vice Chair of Governors 

Mr B. Tweddle: Staff Governor

Mr P. Ayris: Community Governor

Dr R. Whannel: Headteacher

Mrs C. Brown: Parent Governor

Mrs T. Ward: Community Governor 

Mrs I.Moss:  Community Governor

Mr K.Wadley: Community Governor

Mr R. Grigsby:  Community Governor

Mr A. Pitchfork: Community Governor 

Mr George Martin: Staff Governor

Mr Lee Smith:  Community Governor



I became a Parent Governor when I had two teenagers at The Cooper School and wanted to support the community “in a bigger way.” What I didn’t realise was that becoming a Governor would also improve my confidence! 

Both of my children are now adults, and I still want to support The Cooper School. Schools are so important, both in helping young people develop independence in how they think and behave, and in giving a focus for the community. 

My personal interests are finding ways to include everyone (inclusion,) and wellbeing and stress management. Life is complicated for most of us in this day and age, so I am particularly keen that Cooper students learn what helps their own wellbeing.


I came to the UK in 1974 with barely a grasp of English. The UK offered me opportunities which I would not have had if I remained in Kenya, despite cultural opposition. I have come to believe in comprehensive education, despite coming from a community where the merits of comprehensive education are not appreciated.

Our daughter was educated at The Cooper School and as a result of the encouragement and guidance she received from the school she has achieved her lifelong ambition of training to be an actor at a well know London drama school. 

I was appointed as Governor in November 2023 and currently serve on the Curriculum Committee. For me, being a governor is about pushing schools to be more cost effective and making a difference to the lives of children. Like most of us my priority is to ensure that our children can thrive in a supportive and nurturing environment , whatever their interests and background. I have first hand experience of raising children in a multicultural environment and want to use this experience to promote multiculturalism within the school community.


I am delighted to be joining the Governing Board. I am a School Business Manager for a primary school in Oxford, having worked in the education sector for the last three years. Previously, I worked in the retail banking industry for 25 years.

As part of my personal development, I am currently undertaking a Level 7 post graduate apprenticeship in Strategic Leadership in Education. 

I’m looking forward to working with the Governors, to support The Cooper School to help the school achieve its long term goals.


I have been a Governor, Trustee and Director for over 40 years. I have gained a great deal of knowledge about the roles of governing schools. In the early part of my governing roles, I was Chairman of Glory Farm School during times of many changes in the way schools ran their affairs. The implementation of the Children's Act 1996 which had so many changes in the way we looked after and educated our young people. The piloting of The Local Management of Schools changed the way we all thought and processed our financial requirements in the education world. I was Chairman of Premises during the time when Glory Farm School went through the enlargement that nearly doubled its permanent school buildings, this as Governors had a very important input into what we needed, and we finally achieved with the steadfast H

eadship and Leadership of the School. I have mainly been involved with either the financial or property aspects of the schools and latterly with the Bernwode Trust. I have and will always give 100% to my role to achieve positive outcomes for all the children.

Outside of School, I still work part time with my brother running our own business. I have a great interest in all sports, which I regularly watch with my children and grandchildren or going to live games.

I still believe that I have a lot to give in the role of Governor and would look forward to helping deliver a positive outcome for all our children at The Cooper School.

I am the Behaviour Link Governor and have served on the governing board since 2023. I am committed to supporting The Cooper School in its mission to provide an environment where all students can thrive academically, socially, and personally.

At The Cooper School, we believe that every student should be encouraged to Dream Big, Work Hard, and Be Kind. These guiding principles are at the heart of our approach to education, creating a positive, respectful atmosphere where students are able to reach their full potential. When students feel safe, respected, and supported, they are better equipped to excel not only in their studies but also in their growth as compassionate, engaged members of the community.

 In my role as Behaviour Link Governor, I work closely with school leadership to uphold these values, ensuring that our behaviour policies and practices reflect our commitment to each student’s success. The Cooper School’s mission goes beyond academic results; we aim to nurture responsible, empathetic individuals who will make meaningful contributions to their communities, prepared for the future, and inspired to make a difference.




In collaboration with the CEO of the Acer Trust, with the headteacher, and with other school leaders, governors have identified a set of priorities to guide our work throughout the year.

Our priorities map onto the Strategic School Development Plan, and our statement of ethos and values.  We are guided by our values of Dream Big, Work Hard and Be Kind as outlined in our statement of ethos and values. 

Financial policy and planning 

  • Receive a three-year financial plan, developed by the headteacher in association with the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) which takes into account the priorities of the school’s SDP, and the Trust Development Plan where applicable.
  • Receive and interrogate the annual budget in draft form which has been prepared by the Trust’s CFO and the Headteacher

Financial monitoring 

  • Ensure that appropriate budget is dedicated to lesson resources made necessary by the curriculum intent and schemes of work
  • Monitor the income and expenditure throughout the year of all delegated and devolved funds against the annual budget plan. 

Premises and Health and Safety

  • Provide support and guidance for the governing body and the headteacher on all matters relating to the maintenance and development of the premises and grounds, including Health and Safety. 


  • To ensure that the school is staffed sufficiently for the fulfilment of the School Development Plan and the effective operation of the school. 
  • To ensure that governors are aware of the budgetary implications if staffing is not kept aligned with current and projected pupil numbers
  • all lessons are at least good
  • school leaders are developing the curriculum, pedagogy and assessment framework to deliver the school’s strategic vision and meet the aspirations of all students
  • curricula for all subjects are well-structured, sequenced, engaging and consistent within Departmental Development plans
  • all learning is accessible to all students, with a particular focus on students with additional educational needs and low attaining students
  • we tackle the long-term challenges with reading skills prevalent in the communities we serve
  • all students feel safe in our school, and that we play our role in ensuring students can be safe outside school
  • improvements in behaviour are accelerated through staff training and consistency of implementation, with a particular focus on low level disruption
  • improvements in attendance are accelerated, with a particular focus on students who are AEN or Free School Meal recipients, and those who are persistently or severely absent


  • Supporting students who are at risk or may have been abused.
  • Establishing a safe environment within school which children can learn and develop.
  • Helping children learn how they can keep themselves safe in their daily lives
  • Teaching children skills to stay safe and protected online
  • Raising awareness of child protection issues & working on the prevention of abuse, through training, teaching and pastoral support offered to students.
  • Following procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases of abuse.
  • Ensuring we practice safe recruitment in checking the suitability of staff and volunteers to work with children.
  • all staff are empowered to improve their practice through effective CPD
  • staff are supported in their wellbeing with a particular focus on workload
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion strategies are effective in meeting the needs of groups of students at risk of under-performing because of their background
  • students’ mental health is supported through the developing role of the Phoenix centre
  • we use the School Development Plan effectively to hold school leaders to account
  • we recruit new members to the governing board, addressing potential gaps in the skills we need
    governors undertake training to develop necessary knowledge and skills
  • we leverage off the potential for school improvement offered by joining the Acer Trust
The Role Of Link Governors

In order to perform their role well, governors are expected to get to know the school, including visiting the school occasionally during school hours and gaining a good understanding of the school's strengths and weaknesses.

This also provides an opportunity to hold departments and staff to account, and gain a better understanding of the school at work.  Governors need to ensure that the school’s stated ethos and values are evident and embedded in practice. The Governing Body will then be better placed to demonstrate that they have a clear understanding of the quality of provision for students and staff.

To find out more about the role of link governors, please click here.

Would you like to be a governor?

People want to become governors for a range of reasons.  Some are parents, some are staff members, and some are people from the local community who have no direct connection to The Cooper School.  Often people want to give something back to society.

Being a school governor can help you in your career.  These range from learning valuable management skills, through to developing strategic development plans and managing finances.

We are all passionate about improving the education on offer to Bicester families.  

The route to governance is designed to be low key, relatively informal and unintimidating.

Please click here if you’d like to find out:

  • what governors do
  • how we work
  • what skills and experiences you could bring
  • how to apply

Please also feel free to contact the Chair of Governors via to discuss the role.

key documents

Meeting Attendance 2022-23
Meeting Attendance 2023-24
Current & Historical Governors
Governor Details & Register of Business Interests
Code of conduct for governors
operating framework