Sixth Form Enrichment Activities
Extra curricular opportunities are an important and significant area of learning as they provide students with new and challenging experiences. These opportunities allow students to develop new skills, take risks, experiment with new experiences and consequently grow in self-confidence.
The significance of this cannot be underestimated. Therefore to encourage enjoyment and a love of learning as well as giving KS5 learners opportunities to grow and develop as young adults, all Sixth Form learners will be provided with a broad and diverse range of choices such as: supporting students in the lower school as mentors, working with students in tutor groups; theatre visits; sport tours; visits abroad; exchange programmes and debating skills.
sixth form leadership team
Two Head Students will be chosen to lead a group of elected Sixth Form students. These prestigious students will oversee the direction of Sixth Form studies and will represent the Sixth Form at key formal events. They will have the responsibility and privilege of being the voice of all Sixth Form
KS5 Aspirers
We aim to ensure that our most-able students fulfil their great potential by offering them challenging opportunities to stretch both their skills and their knowledge. Opportunities include: essay competitions; mentoring and advice from Year 13 students and talks from high achieving ex-students.
leadership opportunities in all subjects
Selected students will be able to extend their leadership skills within selected subject areas. To fulfil this leadership opportunity, students will be expected to work within departments to offer support and expertise to students in the lower school. Opportunities for mentoring and training will be provided for students.
External speakers
An extensive programme of professional, external speakers will be organised. Topics will be diverse and relevant and will include: ethical and moral issues, politics, personal safety and all areas of health.
Work Experience
To ensure all students are prepared for the world of work and can gain valuable experience and insight into future possible career areas, all students in Year 12 will undertake a period of work experience in term 6.
Pastoral Curriculum
PDMs will cover a wide range of relevant topics of interest to young adults such as: personal financing, applications, interview skills, effective study skills and developing successful skills for learning and life.
Duke Of Edinburgh Gold Award
Our students will be offered the chance to take up The Duke Of Edinburgh Gold Award, a qualification highly valued by universities and employers.
Young Enterprise
Students will be given the opportunity to extend their business entrepreneurship skills by setting up their own business, with support and guidance from experts and local business professionals.